Bite is the secret area of sporting performance. Why do all Italian elite football clubs have a dentist? What does motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi and many Italian skiers, cyclists and rowers wear during a race?
Bite is the secret area of sporting performance. Why do all Italian elite football clubs have a dentist? What does motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi and many Italian skiers, cyclists and rowers wear during a race?
Amikor erőt fejtünk ki, összeszorítjuk fogainkat. Minden egyes nyeléskor egy pillanatra összezáródnak a fogsorok. Szinte észre sem vesszük ezeket, mégis a test számára rendkívül fontosak ezek a mozzanatok. A fogsorok ugyanis nem csak a rágásban vesznek részt, hanem a test egyensúlyának megtámasztásában is. Azaz, ha a harapásunk nem megfelelő, nem tud kellő támasztást adni a test számára. Ezért fontos egy sportoló számára, hogy ezzel a területtel is foglalkozzon.
A sportban a test teljesítményének teljes kihasználása a cél, nagyon intenzív az igénybevétel, akkor az egyensúlyvesztés a harapásban problémát okozhat a sportteljesítményben, vagy akár sérülésre adhat okot.
When we exert force, we clench our teeth. Each time we swallow, the teeth close for a moment. We almost don’t notice them, yet these moments are extremely important for the body. The teeth are not only involved in chewing, but also in supporting the body’s balance. In other words, if our bite is inadequate, it cannot give the body the support it needs. It is therefore important for an athlete to address this area.
Then it is likely that there is a loss of balance in your bite. This can often be compensated for by the body with an average amount of effort and daily performance, and does not need to be addressed in any way. However, if a high effort is required, the sport is about using the body’s full performance, the effort is very intense, then the imbalance in the bite can cause problems in sport performance or even injury.
A temporary device that the athlete puts in his mouth during the sport. This is usually a lower splint that fits over the lower denture. If the sport requires protection against injury (sports mouthguard) then performance enhancement capability is built into it. That is, depending on the sport, it is either made to fit the lower teeth or the upper teeth.
The personalised splint is precise, fits snugly on the teeth, does not fall out and does not cause discomfort.
The performance splints are almost invisible to the outside observer.
Communication is not hindered even while wearing the splint.
12 months guarantee on the appliances (unless dental work is carried out in the meantime)
Sports performance will be measurably better thanks to the performance-enhancing splints.
We are proud to have helped thousands of patients over the past three decades. Their complete satisfaction is the guarantee of the unrivalled success of our treatments.
We are proud to have helped thousands of patients over the past three decades. Their complete satisfaction is the guarantee of the unrivalled success of our treatments.
What technology is used to make the splints?
For sports dentistry, EMG (electromyography) is the main tool used to measure the activity of the muscles of mastication. This allows us to compare either muscle groups or the two sides. We can determine the amount of chewing force and how it is distributed over the teeth. This measurement can then be taken into account for the targeted bite adjustment. Biotechnology also allows us to measure gait, head range of motion and jumping performance, giving us immediate feedback on how effective the splint is.
How are the splints made?
There are two methods in practice. An increasing number of devices, including most of the bottom splints, are now made digitally, i.e. after scanning the mouth, the device is designed using software and printed using a 3D printer. The more traditional method is still made either by impression or scanning in the hands of a dental technician in the laboratory.
When should performance enhancement splints be used?
During training and competitions. Not recommended for sleeping and other daytime activities. If there is a sleep disorder, another device is recommended, Sleep dentistry does not recommend a splint for dentures at night because the lower jawbone can fall back during sleep and make it difficult to sleep.
What is the process of making the splints?
The first step is a sports dentistry assessment, followed by dental impression/scanning, and then the fabrication of the appliance, which usually takes 2-3 weeks. The finished splint is handed over to you and you will see us 1 week later for a check-up. A second check-up will then take place after 2-3 months, followed by another check-up after 6 and 12 months.
Dr. Gábor Hermann introduced various techniques of orthodontics, of which he was the first user and lecturer in Hungary. He was a European lecturer of the Damon technique, introducing the concept of “soft power orthodontics” in Hungary. He is a member of the European Society of Sleep Dentistry and the European Society of Sports Dentistry and is currently the president of the international association IFUNA.
He founded HermannOrtho Professional Orthodontics in 2006 and the Neurotrain development centre in 2020. He specialises in complex, health-oriented orthodontics for children and adults, sports dentistry, sleep dentistry and mind-body medicine.
Dr. Gábor Hermann introduced various techniques of orthodontics, of which he was the first user and lecturer in Hungary. He was a European lecturer of the Damon technique, introducing the concept of “soft power orthodontics” in Hungary. He is a member of the European Society of Sleep Dentistry and the European Society of Sports Dentistry and is currently the president of the international association IFUNA.
He founded HermannOrtho Professional Orthodontics in 2006 and the Neurotrain development centre in 2020. He specialises in complex, health-oriented orthodontics for children and adults, sports dentistry, sleep dentistry and mind-body medicine.
Gabriella Bakacs2023-07-27 A legjobb szívvel ajánlom. Ha fontos, hogy a fogszabályzás során ne csak az esztétika számítson, hanem számos egyéb tényezőt is figyelembe véve történjen, akkor a legjobb helyen vagy! Zita Atkinson2023-05-25 The moment you enter the office you know, you made the right decision. Coming here is a highlight and both of my kids are so happy with the results. They also love the fact, that Gabor talked THEM through the whole process ahead and he and whole team treats everyone with such kindness and dignity. Thank you so very much for making this whole journey an enjoyable one for our whole Family! Andras Radnoti2022-10-06 Really friendly crew. Definitely recommend 👌 Alice Hartmann2022-07-13 Nagyon családias a hangulat a rendelőben és Dr. Hermann Gábor nagyon profi abban amit csinál, az egész csapata nagyon ügyes és segítőkész. A kezelés nem volt feleslegesen hosszú és mindig szívesen megyek hozzájuk az időpontjaimra, minden rossz érzés nélkül. A fogaimmal teljes mértékben elégedett vagyok. Daniel Olah2022-06-28 Kijavították azt, amit egy előző orvosom elrontott, és kihozták belőle a maximumot. Ha hozzájuk megyek először, talán foghúzás nélkül is megúszhattam volna a fogszabályozást. Nem olcsó, de máshol lehet, hogy eltolt idővel, és feleslegesen kihúzott fogakkal is fizetsz. Sokat vívódtam magamban, hogy megéri-e ez, főleg, amíg félúton voltunk, de most, végül arra jutottam, hogy nagyon is megérte. Wow, köszönöm! 😁 Ui.: A többiek pozitív hozzászólásaival is egyetértek a profizmust, emberi dimenziót, stb-t illetően, és ezek egyáltalán nem alap dolgok, csak én egy kicsit más értékelést szerettem volna.
Fantastic place, everyone was very nice, they informed me about everything, they were correct in everything, I got a lot of help and attention. And Dr. Hermann is a genius! I can only recommend him to everyone!
/Gergely Nagy/
Hermann Dental and Medical’s sleep dentistry is currently unrivalled in the country. For anyone who has tried the TB-subsidized Therasnore and can’t get used to it, or it doesn’t fit and doesn’t work, visit HermannOrtho and try the 3D printed protrusion splint. As a master’s student in computer science, it’s fantastic to see that the new technologies I’m encountering in the context of artifacts are already being used by Hermann Dental and Medical practice.
Gabor is constantly striving to further his education in areas beyond orthodontics, but with strong connections. I can guarantee that with few exceptions, the acronym “CG” means nothing to other orthodontists.
/László Csongor/
During a sleep study, I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnoea by a polygraph.
I had frequent breathing blackouts (over 15 per hour!!!), snoring and dry mouth during my sleep, which often left me feeling sleepy and tired the next day. As well as being a serious health risk, driving is not allowed in this state, as there is a significant risk of accidents.
The doctor who examined me recommended the use of a CPAP machine, which I hired, but unfortunately I could not get used to it and sleep properly for several nights. Fortunately, I was advised (thanks David!) to contact HermannOrth.
After a thorough examination, within a few days I had a dental splint made for me to use at night, which controls the position of the jaw during sleep (the jaw cannot slide backwards when relaxed, so the airway is much less likely and less likely to be blocked), allowing air to flow freely. The “splint” itself is a transparent, plastic brace-like device that is quick and easy to get used to. After about 1 week of use, two consecutive nightly control tests were performed with a sleep monitor.
I received the specialist’s opinion, which speaks for itself: “2 consecutive nights of polygraph sleep tests did not confirm sleep apnoea syndrome, no hypoxia…”
Thanks a lot to Hermann Dental and Medical for their help.
Gábor Rónai
Gábor is a fantastic empath and a very knowledgeable doctor. He tailors treatment not only to the individual problem, but also to the patient’s personality. The whole team is extremely kind, professional and flexible. We have had wonderful results with invisible splints over a year, I am very satisfied with the treatment and its value for money. I can only recommend Hermann Dental and Medical to anyone who wants a beautiful and confident smile, even over 50!!! 🙂
/Krisztina Vida /
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The 60-minute survey costs 72 000 HUF.
Introductory price 339 000 instead of just: 250 000 Ft
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The 60-minute survey costs 72 000 HUF.
Introductory price 339 000 instead of just: 250 000 Ft
What is included in the fee?
HermannOrtho Professional Orthodontics
Neurotrain Development Programmes