What does health-centred orthodontics give your child?

Better sleep
Health-centred children’s orthodontics can significantly improve quality of sleep.

Better performance
Our unique development programme enhances school and sports performance.

A pretty smile
A pretty smile gives us confidence and makes integration into a community easier.

A beautiful face contour
Changing the difference between the jawbones and the narrow dental arches positively affects the whole appearance of the face, it makes the patient look more youthful.

Better well-being
Thanks to the better quality of sleep the child’s general well-being, mood, as well as their disposition improves.

A self-confident appearance
We are not just talking about a nice even smile despite it being an essential for appropriate self-confidence.

Better articulation
Thanks to professional logopedic training utterance and speech also improve to a great degree.

Better posture
It is not only a question of aesthetics. Our posture has an important role in our health.