For certain types of snoring and sleep apnea, dental sleep improvement devices are highly effective. Discover what modern sleep dentistry can offer you!
For certain types of snoring and sleep apnea, dental sleep improvement devices are highly effective. Discover what modern sleep dentistry can offer you!
Snoring, apnea, and sleep disorders in general are caused by systemic issues. Ultimately, the airways narrow, partially or completely obstructing airflow. In sleep medicine, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy and ENT interventions are the most recognized methods. Complementing these, modern sleep dentistry has become the first-line intervention for snoring without other symptoms and for mild to moderate sleep apnea in many countries. Sleep dentistry is also recommended for severe sleep apnea cases where CPAP cannot be used.
Snoring, apnea, and sleep disorders in general are caused by systemic issues. Ultimately, the airways narrow, partially or completely obstructing airflow. In sleep medicine, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy and ENT interventions are the most recognized methods. Complementing these, modern sleep dentistry has become the first-line intervention for snoring without other symptoms and for mild to moderate sleep apnea in many countries. Sleep dentistry is also recommended for severe sleep apnea cases where CPAP cannot be used.
The most effective dental sleep improvement devices are custom-made. Our applied sleep improvement device is undeniably among the most effective globally. It is manufactured entirely digitally in our in-house 3D lab. We maintain close collaboration with sleep specialists and ENT doctors, as these fields work together for diagnosis and treatment.
The most effective dental sleep improvement devices are custom-made. Our applied sleep improvement device is undeniably among the most effective globally. It is manufactured entirely digitally in our in-house 3D lab. We maintain close collaboration with sleep specialists and ENT doctors, as these fields work together for diagnosis and treatment.
The goal of these interventions is to reduce snoring and apnea symptoms, restore daily energy levels, and support optimal work and sports performance. Our clinic operates according to the latest, most accepted sleep dentistry protocols. Additionally, patients frequently praise the welcoming atmosphere and the team’s expertise and friendliness.
The goal of these interventions is to reduce snoring and apnea symptoms, restore daily energy levels, and support optimal work and sports performance. Our clinic operates according to the latest, most accepted sleep dentistry protocols. Additionally, patients frequently praise the welcoming atmosphere and the team’s expertise and friendliness.
Anti-snoring solutions ensure peaceful nights, restful sleep, and energetic days.
Thanks to the device, both you and your partner can enjoy better rest.
Quality sleep makes early morning wake-ups less challenging.
Our 3D-printed dental sleep improvement device is small, comfortable, and portable. Use it at home, on a plane, during group trips, afternoon naps, training camps, or business trips.
Eliminating snoring and enhancing sleep quality helps you feel better overall.
In Europe, driver’s licenses are revoked for those with untreated sleep disorders and excessive daytime fatigue. Dental sleep improvement offers a significant opportunity to protect your license by improving sleep quality and reducing fatigue.
Our custom-made devices are extremely durable and resistant to damage, backed by a 2-year breakage warranty.
Since 2020, Hermann Dental and Medical Health Center has specialized in sleep dentistry, helping countless patients reclaim their quality of life. Many regained their driver’s licenses after using our devices. Their satisfaction guarantees the unique success of our treatments.
Since 2020, Hermann Dental and Medical Health Center has specialized in sleep dentistry, helping countless patients reclaim their quality of life. Many regained their driver’s licenses after using our devices. Their satisfaction guarantees the unique success of our treatments.
Why Do Airway Sleep Disorders Develop?
One of the largest categories of sleep disorders is airway obstruction. During sleep, the airway periodically narrows or becomes blocked. Various factors contribute to this, including muscle and connective tissue relaxation in the airway walls. Obstruction can occur at multiple points, assessed by sleep medicine and ENT specialists.
If the obstruction involves the jaw, tongue, or soft palate, international research supports the effectiveness of dental sleep improvement devices. These devices move the lower jaw forward during sleep, tightening the tongue and throat muscles to prevent airway collapse.
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Modern dental sleep devices are primarily 3D printed, ensuring durability and long-term effectiveness. At our clinic, we use and refine leading international dental sleep devices. By manufacturing them in-house, we continuously improve and tailor devices to individual needs.
Why Is the SleepSol Anti-Snoring Device Significantly Better Than Similar Devices?
There are numerous anti-snoring devices available on the market. Many of these are pre-made tools, typically purchased online. Generally, these devices have limited effectiveness in eliminating snoring and have minimal impact on sleep apnea. Additionally, they do not fit all dental structures, often fall out of the mouth easily, and can be uncomfortable. The industry considers custom-made sleep improvement devices to be much more effective.
However, even among custom-made devices, there can be significant differences. Many custom-made sleep improvement devices currently provided in dental clinics are prone to breakage or discomfort because they do not allow the dental arches to close evenly.
In contrast, the SleepSol device is easy to adapt to, comfortable, and highly durable. This is why we offer a 2-year breakage warranty on our product.
Clinical studies have proven that custom-made dental sleep improvement appliances are easy to adapt to, are worn by patients over the long term, and deliver proven results. They provide a real, long-term solution for snoring and sleep apnea, promoting restful sleep and improving overall health. By restoring sleep quality, not only is daytime fatigue reduced, but general well-being and productivity also improve significantly.
If you’ve been suffering from severe snoring or symptoms of sleep apnea for a long time, consider using a custom-made appliance that offers a truly lasting solution. Don’t neglect your sleep—proper rest is the foundation of physical and mental health.
It’s time to meet the visionary behind health-centred orthodontics, Gábor Hermann DMD.
Dr Gábor Hermann introduced the definition of health-centred functional child orthodontics. Gábor Hermann was the first user and lecturer of various orthodontic techniques in Hungary. He was the European lecturer of the Damon technique, introducing the concept of “soft power orthodontics” in Hungary.
He is a member of the European Society of Sleep Dentistry and the European Society of Sports Dentistry and is currently the president of the international association IFUNA. He founded Hermann Dental and Medical in 2006 and the Neurotrain development centre in 2020. He specialises in complex, health-oriented orthodontics for children and adults, sports dentistry, sleep dentistry and mind-body medicine.
It’s time to meet the visionary behind health-centred orthodontics, Gábor Hermann DMD.
Dr Gábor Hermann introduced the definition of health-centred functional child orthodontics. Gábor Hermann was the first user and lecturer of various orthodontic techniques in Hungary. He was the European lecturer of the Damon technique, introducing the concept of “soft power orthodontics” in Hungary.
He is a member of the European Society of Sleep Dentistry and the European Society of Sports Dentistry and is currently the president of the international association IFUNA. He founded Hermann Dental and Medical in 2006 and the Neurotrain development centre in 2020. He specialises in complex, health-oriented orthodontics for children and adults, sports dentistry, sleep dentistry and mind-body medicine.
Gabriella Bakacs2023-07-27 A legjobb szívvel ajánlom. Ha fontos, hogy a fogszabályzás során ne csak az esztétika számítson, hanem számos egyéb tényezőt is figyelembe véve történjen, akkor a legjobb helyen vagy! Zita Atkinson2023-05-25 The moment you enter the office you know, you made the right decision. Coming here is a highlight and both of my kids are so happy with the results. They also love the fact, that Gabor talked THEM through the whole process ahead and he and whole team treats everyone with such kindness and dignity. Thank you so very much for making this whole journey an enjoyable one for our whole Family! Andras Radnoti2022-10-06 Really friendly crew. Definitely recommend 👌 Alice Hartmann2022-07-13 Nagyon családias a hangulat a rendelőben és Dr. Hermann Gábor nagyon profi abban amit csinál, az egész csapata nagyon ügyes és segítőkész. A kezelés nem volt feleslegesen hosszú és mindig szívesen megyek hozzájuk az időpontjaimra, minden rossz érzés nélkül. A fogaimmal teljes mértékben elégedett vagyok. Daniel Olah2022-06-28 Kijavították azt, amit egy előző orvosom elrontott, és kihozták belőle a maximumot. Ha hozzájuk megyek először, talán foghúzás nélkül is megúszhattam volna a fogszabályozást. Nem olcsó, de máshol lehet, hogy eltolt idővel, és feleslegesen kihúzott fogakkal is fizetsz. Sokat vívódtam magamban, hogy megéri-e ez, főleg, amíg félúton voltunk, de most, végül arra jutottam, hogy nagyon is megérte. Wow, köszönöm! 😁 Ui.: A többiek pozitív hozzászólásaival is egyetértek a profizmust, emberi dimenziót, stb-t illetően, és ezek egyáltalán nem alap dolgok, csak én egy kicsit más értékelést szerettem volna.
I felt HermannOrtho was my last chance because I had already visited five orthodontic surgeries, but the only answer I got was that it is hopeless, it cannot be done, I should have come thirty years earlier, it was horrible. But Gábor and his team did not just see a problematic set of teeth but also the person behind it. Their professional preparedness, their attitude, their humane behaviour is unparalleled, it is outstandingly unique. They have invested a lot of work into the treatment. Every time I felt it was truly important for them that they achieve the best result possible. I have never trusted anyone this much. I am immensely grateful.
/Zsuzsanna Szilveszter/
We brought both our children to the HermannOrtho surgery. Gábor worked miracles on Bence’s teeth, the end result was much better than I had expected! Zoé’s treatment is not finished yet, but the change is already visible and she is very happy about that.
I myself like coming here because the children have never been afraid, the treatment was much more comfortable and pain free than I had been told by others who got treatment elsewhere. Children like Gábor very much, he speaks their language. Everybody was very kind to them, they would always explain to them what was going to happen and why during the treatment.
It was also important for us that the surgery is well-equipped, they work with the newest technology. Gábor constantly develops both the surgery and himself! This was a very important feature for me when making the choice. This is why we come here, although we live 85 kms from Budapest. It is the icing on the cake that he proved to be a very kind person. Everybody at the surgery is very nice and this was also very important to me, since we are talking about my children.
/Krisztina Valaska-D./
HermannOrtho’s sleep dentistry is currently one of a kind in the country. If you have tried the health insurance covered Therasnore but could not get used to it or it does not work and you do not use it, visit HermannOrtho and try the 3D printed protrusion rails. As an IT student doing his Master’s, it is fantastic to see that the new technologies that I study about are already in use at HermannOrtho. Gábor always does his best to further improve his knowledge in fields beyond but connected to orthodontics. I can guarantee that except for a few exceptions not too many orthodontic specialists would know what the abbreviation “CG” stands for.
/László Csongor/
We took our daughter Mira, who is 11 now, to Gábor and his colleagues for treatment after she started losing her baby teeth. Gábor brought it to our attention that Mira had tongue thrust and mouth breathing. Fortunately, the logopedic treatment recommended by Gábor and his colleagues and the overnight mouth monitor proved to be an effective solution.
We started the orthodontic treatment in the December of 2020 so that the canine could come out in the right direction and spot. Thanks to the complex support Mira’s treatment successfully came to an end in the April of 2021.
Mira was a bit scared first of orhtodontics but she soon got used to the braces and wore them without a problem. I think it played a great part in this that the atmosphere in the surgery is very relaxing and friendly and that Gábor and his team are kind and very-very professional.
/Marcsi Szalontai/
My daughter’s treatment started 1,5 years ago! After the first consultation we already knew that this was the only place for us! Information and the expertise was first class! Gábor and Rita are always very nice, Aliz was never afraid, they always explained everything, what was going to happen. The service is comprehensive, logopedics and body treatments are included in the orthodontics, if necessary. It is definitely five stars from us, we can only recommend them to anyone who wants to get orthodontic treatment!
/Anikó Sörös/
Ask about our current discounts at the reception!
Fee for two suitable (60+60 minutes) diagnostics and consultation: 82 000 HUF
SleepSol is an internationally outstanding sleep improvement device, as it meets all the above expectations, is extremely resistant to breakage (we provide a 2-year breakage warranty), and is highly effective.
Price of the 3D-printed night guard: 179,000 HUF.
In most cases, the sleep improvement device created based on the initial jaw position bite is sufficient. However, there is a possibility that further forward movement and the production of a new device may be required to improve sleep quality further. In such cases, the cost of the new device will also be charged.
Fee for two suitable (60+60 minutes) diagnostics and consultation: 82 000 HUF
SleepSol is an internationally outstanding sleep improvement device, as it meets all the above expectations, is extremely resistant to breakage (we provide a 2-year breakage warranty), and is highly effective.
Price of the 3D-printed night guard: 179,000 HUF.
In most cases, the sleep improvement device created based on the initial jaw position bite is sufficient. However, there is a possibility that further forward movement and the production of a new device may be required to improve sleep quality further. In such cases, the cost of the new device will also be charged.
HermannOrtho Professional Orthodontics
Neurotrain Development Programmes